This week has been eventful!
I found out that my anemia got worse with our move to Utah. Something about the atmospheric pressure in the mountains is less than Las Vegas, and now my iron levels plummeted. No wonder I've been so tired!! I'm usually better about getting good iron in my diet, because I have always tended to be a little anemic. But it really got away from me this time. I'm starting off this week with a juice feast http://www.juicefeasting.com/
My dear friend Melissa introduced me to the idea. www.rawmelissa.com
She met David and Katrina on a trip to California and came home so excited about the concept.
A few years ago, my husband and I tried juicing for 10 days and had a wonderful experience with it, so when I researched juicefeasting, it made so much sense to me!
This week I will work on getting my iron levels up and building my blood. The bonus is, my kids are LOVING all the juicing going on and want to try out my concoctions... to a point! Anything remotely brownish in color gets the thumbs down, so I try to disguise the red and green mixes with purply stuff like blueberries, or beets.
On a side note.. I re-injured my tailbone! UGH.
I'm learning so much in my herbal studies at Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing. He has a formula for cell regrowth called BF&C (bones, flesh and cartilage) that I'm taking to heal it up. Danny, my 14 year old son broke his ankle last month and I put him on it. His healing time was remarkable! I'm excited to see how fast I can heal up!
Another fun thing happened today... my sister got published in this month's Latter Day Woman magazine! I'm SO proud of her. She has always had such a way with words. Latter Day Woman Oct/Nov 2008 she did the article on Home Based Businesses.
Its interesting timing for me, as I am evaluating my time at work and at home. My husband asked me to balance the home a little better, and I am prayerfully looking at ways to keep my little business thriving and my home humming. It seems like this is a constant process, as the needs of my children change as they grow. Right now I have four teenagers at home, and my two youngest. In some ways I have more time than I used to when they were small, and in some ways it can be just as hectic! I'm so grateful for the guidance from a loving Heavenly Father, and am excited to see where He wants me to go with all this.
Meanwhile, tomorrow is planning day for meals. I make raw meals on Wednesday and pickups are in the evening. I'm thinking if I work on meals over two days instead of jamming it all into one day, it will allow me to break up the times and be home when the kids get home on Wednesday. We'll see how it goes over the next few weeks.
Oooh! Something to try out... its one of the scary looking juices that my kids wont touch, but I have fallen in love with this stuff!
Juice of 5 carrots
Juice of 5 stalks of celery
Juice of 2 cups of spinach
Juice of one bunch of parsley
Juice of one small beet
Mix together and drink.
It makes a lot! But its wonderful stuff. I originally made it without the beet when my husband and I did that 10 days of juicing, but with my anemia, I decided to add the beet and it turned out awesome! At least that's what my body is telling me.
Have a fantastic week! Let me know what you think of the Juice Feasting!
Love the idea of a juice feast! We've enjoyed using our Vitamix for making whole fruit & veg smoothies. We throw oatmeal, flaxseed, avocado, etc., in there & the kids never know. ;) We just cover it up with some TJs coconut juice and bananas.
girlfriend, why'd it take me so long to find your blog. Yellowdock for iron, works instantly.
Boil 4 c water
pour it over 2 oz of cut yellowdock in a glass container
cover, steep overnight
simmer down to 1.5 cups
sweeten and strain
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